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Plane Yoga

Short or long haul flights can play havoc with our bodies. Try these simple sequences next time you travel to help you reach your destination feeling relaxed with freedom of movement.
Seated Poses

Sukhasana with hands in prayer and arm raises - cross your legs or kneel if possible (feet under buttocks). Bring hands to prayer position, inhale as they lift towards the ceiling of plane, exhale as they lower. Repeat 10 times working with the breath

Neck stretch - forward, sides, back, turned. Go gently, hold each for 5 breaths. Repeat 10 times

Breath Balancing - Take hands under opposite armpits, focus on breath 3-11 minutes with crossed legs (change cross half way through), kneeling in seat, or with feet firmly planted on the floor, hip distance apart. This pose creates an even breath flow, encourages digestion, and promotes a calm focus.

Cat/Cow on edge of seat - start at the tailbone, exhale as you tuck it under, rounding the back and letting the head come forward. Inhale as the tail bone lifts, arch spine, lift head. Repeat 10-20 times.

Seated spinal twist, sit forward to edge, cross legs. Inhale, lift chest and gently turn in the direction of the top leg, taking hand accross thigh. Every inhale lift the spine upwards, every exhale deepen into the twist. Hold 10 breaths. Repeat on other side.

Another spinal twist - one foot under buttocks, the other crossed over that leg. Inhale, lift chest and twist towards upper leg, wrapping arm around knee. Close eyes and hold for 10 breaths (or longer). Repeat on other side.

Thigh lifts - ground through one foot and lift the other foot off he floor as high as possible. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Repeat five times each leg.

Ankle rolls - slowly, in both directions. Work in time with the breath.

Eye of the needle - one ankle crossed over opposite knee, push down with hand into thigh of crossed leg. Hold for 5-50 breaths. Change legs and repeat on the other side for the same number of breaths.

Forward bend with one ankle crossed over opposite knee. Hold for 5-50 breaths. Change legs and repeat on the other side for the same number of breaths.

Half forward bend, buttocks back into seat, arms raised forward, hands together. Bend forward as far as the seat in front allows.

Palm tree while seated - interlock hands, rotate wrists so palms are facing away from your body. Inhale and stretch them above your head, shoulders soft. Exhale and bring the backs of your hands to the top of your head, inhale and stretch them away again. Continue, working in time with your breath for 10 arm raises. Change interlock and repeat.

Garudasana - eagle pose, arms only. Interlock your arms infront of your body, trying to get the palms to meet. Lift elbows and move hands away from the face. Hold for 10 breaths. Repeat with arms interlocked the other way.

Gomukhasana arms only - take right hand up your back, palm facing the seat, raise your left arm and bending the elbow try to reach your right hand. Lean back and allow the lower arm to be pushed back into the seat.  Hold for up to 5 - 50 breaths (or longer!).  Repeat on other side.

Side stretch - inhale arms above your head. Take hold of your left wrist with the right hand. Use the pull of the right hand to lift your left arm up towards the top of the plane and over towards the opposite side slightly. Hold stretch for 5-10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Standing Poses

Standing shoulder opening with interlocked hands- bend forward, arms behind your back. Softly bend the knees if needed.

Uttanasana - standing forward bend, reach your hands towards the floor and keep your weight evenly spead on your feet. Softly bend the knees if needed.

Vrksasana - tree pose. Ground through left leg, open right knee out to the side, then bring right foot onto inside of left leg wherever it comfortably reaches. Raise arms above your head if balance stable, otherwise hold onto wall or seat.

Utkatasana - chair pose. Inhale and raise your arms up so that they reach past your ears. Bend through the knees and ankles as through you were about to sit down. Keep the chest lifted.

Quad stretch - catch your ankle behind your buttock. Stay for 10 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

VI to VII (if you are brave! Use the chairs for support).

Side stretch - arms above head. Inhale and extend to the left side, exhale back to centre, inhale to the right side, exhale back to centre. Repeat 10-20 times.

Happy Travels!

Plane Yoga without images for easy copy and paste/printing

Poses while seated


1. Sukhasana with hands in prayer and arm raises - cross your legs or kneel if possible (feet under buttocks). Bring hands to prayer position, inhale as they lift towards the ceiling of plane, exhale as they lower. Repeat 10 times working with the breath

2. Neck stretch - forward, sides, back, turned. Go gently, hold each for 5 breaths. Repeat 10 times

3. Breath Balancing - Take hands under opposite armpits, focus on breath 3-11 minutes with crossed legs (change cross half way through), kneeling in seat, or with feet firmly planted on the floor, hip distance apart. This pose creates an even breath flow, encourages digestion, and promotes a calm focus.

4. Cat/Cow on edge of seat - start at the tailbone, exhale as you tuck it under, rounding the back and letting the head come forward. Inhale as the tail bone lifts, arch spine, lift head. Repeat 10-20 times.

5. Seated spinal twist, sit forward to edge, cross legs. Inhale, lift chest and gently turn in the direction of the top leg, taking hand accross thigh. Every inhale lift the spine upwards, every exhale deepen into the twist.. Repeat on other side. Hold 10 breaths.

6. Another spinal twist - one foot under buttocks, the other crossed over that leg. Inhale, lift chest and twist towards upper leg, wrapping arm around knee. Close eyes and hold for 10 breaths (or longer). Repeat on other side.

7. Thigh lifts - ground through one foot and lift the other foot off he floor as high as possible. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Repeat five times each leg.

8. Ankle rolls - slowly, in both directions. Work in time with the breath.

9. Eye of the needle - one ankle crossed over opposite knee, push down with hand into thigh of crossed leg. Hold for 5-50 breaths.

10. Forward bend with one ankle crossed over opposite knee. Hold for 5-50 breaths.

11. Half forward bend, buttocks back into seat, arms raised forward, hands together. Bend forward as far as the seat in front allows.

12. Palm tree while seated - interlock hands, rotate wrists so palms are facing away from your body. Inhale and stretch them above your head, shoulders soft. Exhale and bring the backs of your hands to the top of your head, inhale and stretch them away again. Continue, working in time with your breath for 10 arm raises. Change interlock and repeat.

13. Garudasana - eagle pose, arms only. Interlock your arms infront of your body, trying to get the palms to meet. Lift elbows and move hands away from the face. Hold for 10 breaths. Repeat with arms interlocked the other way.

14. Gomukhasana arms only - take right hand up your back, palm facing the seat, raise your left arm and bending the elbow try to reach your right hand. Lean back and allow the lower arm to be pushed back into the seat.  Hold for up to 5 - 50 breaths (or longer!).  Repeat on other side.

15. Side stretch - inhale arms above your head. Take hold of your left wrist with the right hand. Use the pull of the right hand to lift your left arm up towards the top of the plane and over towards the opposite side slightly. Hold stretch for 5-10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.


Poses while standing in queue for toilets, in the aisles, or in the terminal waiting to board


1. Standing shoulder opening with interlocked hands- bend forward, arms behind your back. Softly bend the knees if needed.

2. Uttanasana - standing forward bend, reach your hands towards the floor and keep your weight evenly spead on your feet. Softly bend the knees if needed.

3. Quad stretch - catch your ankle behind your buttock. Stay for 10 breaths. Repeat with other leg.

4. Vrksasana - tree pose. Ground through left leg, open right knee out to the side, then bring right foot onto inside of left leg wherever it comfortably reaches. Raise arms above your head if balance stable, otherwise hold onto wall or seat.

5. VI to VII (if you are brave! Use the chairs for support).

6. Utkatasana - chair pose. Inhale and raise your arms up so that they reach past your ears. Bend through the knees and ankles as through you were about to sit down. Keep the chest lifted.

7. Side stretch - arms above head. Inhale and extend to the left side, exhale back to centre, inhale to the right side, exhale back to centre. Repeat 10-20 times.



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